Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The Unofficial Fried Rice

I call it the unofficial fried rice because this is not the standard Nigerian fried rice. I think fried rice is one of those meals you do not need a recipe for. You work with what you have at home. I like the fact it allows creativity, you add different ingredients together to create a masterpiece.
This recipe was built on this concept. It came out so good that it’s one of my signature dishes. I love the fact I can twist it so many times and it will still taste amazeballs.
So this Christmas, if you are looking for a change, that will impress your guest and family, look no further.  


3 Cups of Easy cook Rice
3 cooking spoon of sunflower oil
1tsp of onion powder
1 clove of garlic
6-8 Spring onions
Hot dog sausages
1 Egg
3 stock cubes
King Prawns
Mixed Vegetables (optional) 

Parboil the rice, rinse and place aside

Break the egg in a bowl, pinch of salt and whisk. Slice the spring onions, garlic and sausages

In a wok, add oil, then the egg mixture. Stir around until the egg is fluffy.

Add the spring onions and garlic, sausages, mixed vegetables, stock cubes, onion powder and stir.

Add the rice and stir making sure the rice is covered in the sauce.

Let it settle for 10 minutes, taste to check the rice is almost soft.
Add the prawns and stir from the bottom up.

Cook for 10 more minutes and the rice should be done.  
You don’t want the rice to be soft before you switch the heat off as its in a Wok, it will continue to cook and dry up but if you leave it till its soft this can make the rice mushy.




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